Tnx again ANTONIO XARA for the nice qso 1st ever between SV Greece -D4 Cape Verde on 70mhz and e sporoadic dx world record on 4m band distance > 4400 km
Hope to meet again D44TD on 4m band this season !
73 de SV2DCD Leonidas
P.S My setup on 70mhz : YAESU FT847 (unmodified),45W,Antenna 9el 10m boom DK7ZB homemade
Tnx again ANTONIO XARA for the nice qso 1st ever between SV Greece -D4 Cape Verde on 70mhz and e sporoadic dx world record on 4m band distance > 4400 km pakistani lawn suits with chiffon dupatta , 2 piece lawn suit online shopping
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