I had an email from Michel ON7EH with a link to his web site.
On 25-06 he added screenshots about his 1st 4m Rx experience with an indoor folded dipole and the WSE converters.
He copied my signal on 70.208 during e sporadic.You can see my signal in the screenshots above.
Michel writes in his web site
On the 25th of June, I was lucky enough to catch my first 4m Es opening with the SDR. The setup was very basic and consisting of the WSE modules connected to an attic mounted folded dipole (under the roof) for 70MHz.The signals were strong enough for the 70MHz WSE converter input to be well visible and easily decodable.(all in SSB) There is no LNA in the line so the NF is probably around 10dB.The 4m band is not allowed for ham transmission in Belgium by the local regulator so here follows my SWL-report in a visual way. One of the reasons is, no doubt the still active data signals (from taxi's) on the band, on discrete frequencies such as 70.150 and 70.175MHz.I read on the web that these data signals are often heard on Es openings... so now, one knows, where they originate from. They are quite loud, north of Brussels in JO20FV.You can easily spot the data signals on the left hand side of the following screenshot: (taken with an uncalibrated, non-optimised Linrad 02.47 so eg. the smart blanker was not operational)
On 70.175MHz and some 12kHz wide, the data signals cannot be missed. A similar data carrier is located 25kHz lower on 70.150MHz. Resulting key clicks from these carriers can be seen up and around 70.2MHz.The following stations were heard during the above opening and their signals can be seen from the screenshot::-70.190: IOJX (Tony in JN61GW)-70.195: IK0SMG-70.204: ???-70.208: SV2DCD (he was heard for long periods around 18:20 and back on 19:00 with good signals)
Here is another screenshot from the Greek station showing his extremely loud signals in Belgium...
Enrico, IK0BZY was heard calling CQ four, only twice
I was surprised to see the many stations centered around Rome, active on 4m!
Michel's nice web site with plenty of information is http://users.skynet.be/on7eh/index.htm
73 de SV2DCD Leonidas