Reports :
I am happy to announce, that we have received a license to operate a beacon on the 4 m band.
We did not get the vanity call OE5FOUR. Instead we got OE5QL. This is no Amateur Radio Call the Austrian PTT said. It is an Experimental Operation Radio Call.
Well, there are some restrictions. Time limit is 1 June and until 31 August 2009. Transmission is only 2 minutes per sequence between 04:00 and 19:47 UTC. Each sequence begins at full hour +00 min., +15 min., +30 min. and +45 min, e.g. 04:00-04:02, 04:15-04:17, 04:30-03:32 and 04:45-04:47. Transmission power is 1 W ERP the first minute of each sequence and 5 W ERP the second minute of each sequence.
If the beacon does not interfere with services outside of Austria, an extension is possible after August 2009 the Austrian PTT said.
Anyway after August 2009 we will try to negotiations for 24/7 duration period for the beacon.
This is just the first step, following the offered directives of our PTT in Vienna.
The beacon frequency is 70,045 MHz, location for the beacon JN78CJ, 860 mASL and the antenna a Half-Wave Vertical with Collins Filter design DK7ZB/OZ2M will be used.
73Peter, OE5MPL