Thursday, May 29, 2008

OY3JE 4m qso now online

Those two mp3 files are my qso on 4m with OY3JE recorded

1st one is the report from Jan to me and reverse and the 2nd is Jan calling cq cq while LX2LA on the some qrg

QRB is 3.060 km

My setup on 4m band :


Antenna 9el DK7ZB homemade 10m boom

CT Portugan again on 4m band

QSP from chat

SV8CS Spiros writes at 14:16 z

From today on 29. 5. 2008 the Portuguese radioamateurs are again licenced by Anacom to use the 4m band
This time with new allocation and secondary basis:

- 70,156 MHz- 70,286 MHz

with 100 W EIRP

Great news for 4m in Portugal,Madeira,Azores! Get ready all !

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

OY3JE Faroe Island new one on 4m band

Yesterday at 17:53z i worked on 70.205 ssb OY3JE.This is a new dxcc for me on 4m and also 1st ever qso on 4m band between OY and SV.QRB is 3060 km.Jan also worked SV8CS and today morning he worked J49K on 70.200cw and SV5BYR on the same qrg !!! Reall great qso's on 4m !!! Once again tnx my friend Jan !!
73 all de SV2DCD Leonidas

Sunday, May 25, 2008

JAPAN on 6m band this morning

This morning around 07:20z i worked on 6m band 50.105 cw JH4IUO with rst 559 both ways.1st JA on 6m band for me this year.From early morning videos from east (49.750) was very strong.Also my signal reported from UN8GC

Spot from DX SUMMIT

UN8GC 50102.0 SV2DCD 559 in MN83 now. CW

Good luck all
de SV2DCD Leonidas

ES3BR Estonia New one on 4m band

Today around 11:31z i worked on 4m band frequency 70.200 ssb the Estonian station ES3BR Heino.It was a difficult qso because from his direction when the band is open i have extremly strong signals from OIRT TV stations making qrm with signals up to s9.I heard ES3BR with 52 and he gave me 55.Nice new one dxcc on 4m and also 1st ever qso on 4m band between SV and ES . Tnx Heino !!

Friday, May 23, 2008

GU6EFB Guernsey New one on 4m band

This afternoon around 13:00z i worked on 4m band 70.200 SSB mode the station GU6EFB Keith from Guernsey.Report was 55 both ways.This is my first qso on 4m band with this DXCC and also 1st ever qso on 4m band between SV and GU.Tnx my friend Keith and good luck all with the es openings

Wednesday, May 21, 2008




* * * 14/6/2008 ~ 22/6/2008 * * *

This is a Special Call, celebratring (almost) 24 centuries from Alexander's the Great birth (mid July 356BC), in Pella (ancient Northern GReece).
There are also, other 19 special Calls with same perfix (SX24..) and for suffix, Counties abbreviations of nowdays GReece, where arheologists discovered Macedonians Tombs and monuments.
For example in "IMA" = IMAthia, were found Macedonian Tombs "Pringipas", "Anthemion", "Kriseos", "Sholi (school) Aristotelis Mieazas" ancient sity Verginas.
All the SX24... calls will be QRV all days, evrey day, from 14th to 22nd of June, from 6 to 160m with on SSB, RTTY, BPSK and CW modes.

The Special Calls are:

SX24 DRM (DRaMa)

SX24 ELI (ELIas)


SX24 EVR (EVRos)

SX24 FLR (FLoRina)

SX24 HLK (HaLKidiki)

SX24 IMA (IMAthia) #EPC:

SX24 KLK (KiLKis)

SX24 KMT (KoMoTini)

SX24 KVL (KaVaLa)

SX24 KYK (KYKlades)

SX24 KZN (KoZaNi)

SX24 LRS (LaRiSa)

SX24 MGN (MaGNesia)

SX24 PEL (PELla)

SX24 PIE (PIEria)

SX24 SRS (SeRreS)

SX24 TSL (TheSaLoniki)

SX24 VIO (VIOtia)

SX24 XAN (XANthi)

You may find yourself in the LOG

If you want to locate the area in earth-google, use this link:

More about awards and details on :

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

RF Noise Identification

Ken Alexander, VE3HLS

The RF Noise Identification Website
Identify the RFI that interferes with your reception

Thursday, May 15, 2008

SV9 Crete Isl New one on 4m band

Yesterday evening i worked on 4m band 70.200 jt6m for new one SV9GPV my friend George.Tnx George.Cu all during the next es opening on 6m,4m and 2m band!
73 de SV2DCD Leonidas

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

First es on 4m band for this season

I worked on 4m band yesterday around 12:00z

LX1FX SSB 59++
PE1MZS 57 crossband (rx 50.170mhz)
PA5DD 57 crossband (rx 50.170mhz)

News from I0JX

70-MHz and Cross-band ContestSunday, June 15th 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

1st DXCC on 2m in GREECE !!!

Two more entities and total 103 for my friend SV8CS in the ARRL 2m DXCC list.

This brings Spiros to 5th place worldwide and 1st DXCC on 2m in GREECE

Congratulations again Spiros !!

Italy on 70 MHz during 2008


By Tony I0JX

The authorization for a second 70 MHz ham-radio experimental campaign in Italy has been granted on April 30th 2008. Its validity lasts until December 31st 2008. The technical parameters and the operational conditions are the same as for the year-2007 experimental cycle. The I0JX/B beacon operating from Rome on 70,088 MHz has been re-activated.

For Italy 70.100 - 70.200 and 70.300, +/- 25 Khz, 25 watt EIRP.