My good friend George SV9GPV became the first visitor in our new shack! George and his family was visiting Kastoria for a couple of days and found some time to visit the new shack and make some qso's.
In the photo SV2FNS Chris and SV9GPV George in front of the equipment
As from last saturday DXCC #30 on 4m band is true.T70A worked @ 18:56 z.Great signal from San Marino and thanks a lot the team for this great new one on 4m band. 73 de SV2DCD
Another short e sporadic took place yesterday around 17:30 z on 2m band.Earlier the signals from Spain on 4m band where very promising with many EA stations in for almost 6 hours ! EA9IB on 144.300 was 59 at 17:34z and for 10 minutes ! calling CQ CQ and working only a couple of SV2 stations and a couple of IK7.The SV1 guys had opening only to EA5 aerea.Worked him easily for a new one on 2m band !! Good luck all with the e sporadic on VHF 73 de SV2DCD Leo
Yesterday afternoon i had a great opening on 4m band with extremly strong signals coming from OZ,OK,OM,G,LA,OH. From 16z to 18z i worked more than 30 stations with Stefan LA0BU included. This was a new one for me on this band and DXCC nr 29. Good luck with the es to all of you working on VHF !! 73 de Leo SV2DCD