What a great opening this afternoon on 6m,4m an 2m bands !!
All started around 15:00z with es on 6m to DL.Great signals.Everything was promising.30 min later i worked on 4m band EA6BB and EA6SX with 59+ signals.I was cqing on 70.200 mhz cw beacon mode for more than an hour when at 16:56 z ON4PS replied my cq as i was also rxing on 69.950 mhz for ON.The report received was 559.Bingo ! A new one for me on 4m band and also 1st ever qso on 4m band between ON-SV.Next one from ON were ON5QRP on ssb,ON4KHG and ON5VW.Some G stations come through very strong.This was promising for es on 2m band.The MUF was getting higer.So at 18:19 z Dave G7RAU heard calling ca on 144.305 with 59 report.Then i made qsy on 144.310 calling CQ ES.What a surpise! GW8JLY replied.Another new one for me this time on 2m band !!
Hoping for another great es openings an more dx and new ones on VHF.
73 all de SV2DCD Leonidas