The AEGEAN VHF CONTEST is over with a new personal record !!
I completed 96 qso's on 2m ssb and many dxcc's in the log --SV,SV9,YU,S5,9A,E7,4O,HA,OM,LZ,YO,TA,9H--
The weekend started great! Excellent weather conditions and thewRADIO CLUB OF KASTORIA team was all ready for the contest.The members were Steve SV2RM,Lakis SV2FNH, Dimitris SV2/VA2EEB and myself SV2DCD all /p.
Every member had their setup ready to begin the contest on time. SV2RM with 4 antennas DK7ZB homemade 19el each for 432mhz, SV2/VA2EEB with 5el F9FT for 6m band and myself with 2 antennas (2m band 17el CUSHCRAFT w/10m boom. Lakis SV2FNH was on the logistic (souvlaki,tzatziki,beer etc.. hihihi)
The contest site was located in grid squjare KN00LI at 1800m asl about 1 hour away from the qth. Everything went according to schedule and by 12:30z on Saturday we were ready to install our setup. We first started with the two 2m antennas. We then connected them to the splitter and a small 200W mosfet linear amplifier around 200w connected directly to the splitter for minimal coupling losses and removing any unecessary cable losses.
A 3m cable was used as a driving element from my YAESU FT-847 transceiver to the amplifier. I acheived a SWR 1:1.2 and was ready to go!
The 432mhz were next. The four 19el antennas were installed quickly with the help of the entire team on a 10m mast connected to a KENWOOD TS-2000 via a splitter.
Then the 6m band antenna (5el F9FT on a 6m mast) was connected to the same tranceiver.
At 14:00z Saturday afternoon we were on the air. I acheived the first qso on 2m with YT2L from KN03EH. Around 20:42, LZ5QD was logged and I decided to put the PTT down for the night and took some much needed rest.
By sunday morning, with the help of some strong coffe,I had a great time making some good dx's during the morning tropospheric propagation.
Bingo !! At 02:25z OM8A was logged!
Some good propagation openings during Sunday with my first dxcc's from KN00LI thanks to TA1D and 9H1XT.
Total qso's 96! I am looking forward to another great year!
73's de SV2DCD!!